
CONFIRMED!!! Ultimate Cycler Has Still Not Paid Its Participants 1 Kobo Since it Crashed And Came Back

Ultimate Cycler
Ultimate Cycler

 According to very relaible sources Ultimate Cycler have still not paid any single persons since they came back, though users can now log in Many vital features are still missing or nonfunctional.

A look at some fb posts further verifies this claim,

ThankGod Chigeru posted;
I do UltimateCycler, e crash. Site came up later and am yet to get paid….
I do MMM, dem decide to freeze money till 15th of January……hmmmm
Is my village pple truly pursuing me or am i missing something?
Its like Money Doubling isnt in my destiny at all o😣😣😣
So no Xmas clothes and shoes for me and my own? U pple’s plans failed woefully o😐😐😐😐😐

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