
Lindsay Lohan Deletes All Posts on Social Media puts up ‘Alaikum Salam’ on her Instagram Profile

Looks like ‘Parent Trap’ actress, Lindsay Lohan, has converted to Islam as deletes all her posts on social media as she puts this Arabic phrase “Alaikum Salam” which means “Peace be unto you” on her Instagram bio. This has sparked up speculations of her converting to Islam.

Lindsay was pictured with a copy of the Qur’an, the Islamic Holy book back in 2015 and most recently has been staying in Dubai, as well volunteering with Syrian refugees in Turkey.

She faced a lot of backlash in the US after she was photographed carrying the Qur’an and wearing a headscarf. She defended herself on Turkish TV show where she had an appearance.

She said;
    “They crucified me for it in America. They made me seem like Satan. I was a bad person for holding that Qur’an. I was so happy to leave and go back to London after that, because I felt so unsafe in my own country. If this [Islam] is something that I want to learn, this is my own will.”

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