The police in Lagos have arrested a married woman, who's identified as Mama Emeka, for allegedly burning her ward with a hot iron.
Although the incident occurred on Christmas Day at 36, Fadeyi Street, Olowora, Lagos, the woman was said to have been arrested yesterday with the intervention of the Lagos State Domestic and S*xual Violence team in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Social Development.
Although the incident occurred on Christmas Day at 36, Fadeyi Street, Olowora, Lagos, the woman was said to have been arrested yesterday with the intervention of the Lagos State Domestic and S*xual Violence team in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Social Development.
It was gathered that the suspect who usually assaulted the 16-year-old victim, accused her of being stubborn.
It was learnt that she usually over laboured the teenager, whose mum was said to have abandoned her after the death of her father.
According to sources, residents of the street revolted against the woman who also used razor blade to cut the young girl's thigh and shaved her hair.
They alleged that the woman usually forced the victim to hawk.
It was also learnt that the residents apprehended and handed Mama Emeka over to Ketu Police Division, while the girl was taken into protective custody.
The victim was said to be receiving medical attention.
The woman is expected to be charged to court today by Lagos state government.
A concerned Nigerian hailed the residents for ensuring the matter was reported to the authority.
"We hope that asides from corporal punishment, the perpetrator would be mandated to receive psychiatric evaluation."