Brigadier (Dr.) Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia is the unquestionable father of present day brandishes in Nigeria. He perceived right off the bat in his vocation as legislative head of Midwest State that games could be utilized to elevate the great picture of a state, while in the meantime instructing the competitors for the future labor needs of the state. He utilized that information marvelously to the event of the then Midwest. He is a basic symbol in the advancement and upkeep of competitors and diagramming a future for them past games support. He was an ace in the specialty of rousing competitors to accomplish the apparently unthinkable.
The late Ogbemudia was our senator, as well as a father, tutor, helper and the person who empowered us to accomplish the Golden Fleece in the realm of games. He knew how to praise the accomplishment of his competitors and make them need to overcome the world at the following accessible open door. I was a beneficiary of his unselfish charity as an individual from the Olympic groups that spoke to Nigeria in 1972 and 1976. He kept on supporting me until I got my Ph.D. degree in Petroleum Geology from the University of Arizona in 1981.
The notorious Nigerian 1976 Olympic group, containing for the most part Ogbemudia items, was a standout amongst the most capable gatherings of competitors Nigeria at any point amassed with the expectation of bringing home decorations. Once the group was named in 1976, Ogbemudia paid heed and took after our advance wherever we were and given assets to pad our tough circumstances.
He went along with us at the 1972 Olympic Games and was in the boxing field when Isaac Ikhuoria of Midwest won the main award (bronze) for Nigeria in Munich. At the KADA Games 2009, it was he who urged me to return home and work with Governor Liyel Imoke of Cross River State to create youthful competitors for the country. Since we utilized the Ogbemudia equation with current specialized changes, the outcome was a similar extraordinary level of progress, second just to his legacy, in the cutting edge period of Nigerian games.
He was an extraordinary personality with boundless love for young people and country. The historical backdrop of Nigerian games can't be finished without the visionary part he played in setting up offices, for example, Afuze, and creating some of Nigeria's best competitors. A portion of the ways he enlivened us to significance through his words and activity are obvious in the story beneath.
On the eve of our flight for Port Harcourt to take an interest in the Hussey Shield and Lady Manuwa Cup rivalry in 1971, our Papa, Governor, and after that Colonel Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia welcomed us, our mentors and authorities to the state official gathering chambers at the Government House in GRA, for a gusto talk and mental arrangement. We were elated at the welcome since we knew there would be exceptional nourishment and satisfaction yanfu.
He strolled energetically into the room, waved at us and went straight to his extraordinary seat. From there on, he talked enthusiastically and urged us to go out there and make the Midwest State pleased by taking every one of the trophies back to him in Benin City. He persuaded us that we could do it and that the Hussey Shield has been our ownership for five back to back years and we ought not be the gathering to lose it. He additionally scolded us to be taught and of good conduct at all circumstances while in Port Harcourt. We were cheerful and thankful for the motion and we surrendered the chambers pumped over to do fight at the opposition.
We were especially fascinated and energized that he required significant investment off his bustling timetable to show such an abnormal state of enthusiasm for our cooperation and that he thought of us as sufficiently imperative to be welcomed and feted to help our resolve before the flight.
We had an awesome time and as he cleared out the room, he guaranteed he would be there in Port Harcourt to watch us contend. We were all in beyond happy when we went out after the meeting.
At the point when a man makes a special effort to treat you this great and make you feel critical, why might you not "run debutante tear" and give over 100 for every penny in rivalry? That was the fire we brought with us to Port Harcourt.
Yes, as guaranteed, our dearest Governor, Ogbemudia respected that guarantee and was in the Liberation Stadium, Port Harcourt with the then Governors of Rivers State, Commodore Alfred Diete Spiff, Brigadier U.J. Esuene, of South Eastern State, Brigadier Mobolaji Johnson of Lagos State, and Administrator of East Central State, Dr. Ukpabi Asika, to watch every one of the occasions of the last day of rivalry. Ogbemudia's nearness in the stadium that day resembled an infusion of adrenaline, into our body and soul.
We ran, hopped, tossed, and did everything to win every one of the occasions in the program that evening, to fulfill our representative and pleased with us. Our young ladies missed the mark regarding winning the majority of their occasions in light of the fact that Modupe Oshikoya of Lagos State without any assistance commanded three occasions, to the enjoyment of Governor Mobolaji Johnson.
Toward the day's end, Midwest won greater part of the young lady's occasions and the Lady Manuwa Cup. On the young men's side, we completed first and second place in each occasion with the exception of two. The exemptions were the young men 100 yards that was won by Ruks Bazunu of Midwest State, who spoke to Western State since he was at the time an understudy of Loyola College, Ibadan.
After Vivian Emenahor, the Midwest young ladies Captain got the Lady Manuwa Cup, I, as commander of the group was welcome to the platform to get the Hussey Shield from Governor Diete Spiff for the benefit of the all-vanquishing Midwest group. I was overpowered with endless supply of the shield, realizing that Governor Ogbemudia was in that spot watching us gather every one of the trophies. My satisfaction was considerably more full since I was persuaded in my heart that we didn't disillusion him for planning, trusting and sending us into fight.
When I brought up the tune, our whole group lifted it up and the entire stadium went into commotion. We ran and moved for satisfaction all around the stadium. When we came back from our triumph run, the Governors had left the stadium. In any case, Governor Ogbemudia left us an uncommon message: "My youngsters, thank you for doing as you guaranteed and making me and the Midwest State pleased.
Instead of come back to Benin City tomorrow, you are to remain in Port Harcourt for three additional days while I come back to Benin City in front of you, to set up the state to get you on arrival."As a father, whose youngsters have finished the inconceivable, he was radiating with grins and pleased with our accomplishment.
Na just him be senator there wen we simply win and convey everything comot? He was upbeat. Subsequent to accepting the trophy, I was provoked by Mr. Okwechime, who was then Director of the Midwest Sports Council to begin droning and singing our main tune applauding Ogbemudia and the Midwest, which goes this way: "Midwest No Rival; Midwest No Rival; Ogbemudia No Rival, Ogbemudia No Rival".
He sent us cash to have a ball for the additional days of remain. Why should we say no? We realized that something important was in the offing. In any case, how huge, we had no notion until we in the long run touched base on Midwest soil.
The next day, which was a Sunday, Governor Diette Spiff sent a maritime ship to take us and the Rivers State group on a visit to Brass and a portion of the brooks in the state. That was a considerable measure of good times for us since we ate and drank as we traveled on the water, and saw things and spots we had never observed.
We laid on Monday and on Tuesday we took off from Port Harcourt at a young hour in the morning, making a beeline for Benin City through Onisha and the Niger Bridge.
Upon landing in the Asaba end of the Niger Bridge, we were astonished to see the greater part of the conventional rulers in the Ibo talking hinterlands holding up to get and welcome us. We landed and shook hands with them while customary artists engaged us for around 15 minutes. Our transport was uniquely brightened with Midwest hues and standards before we drove off towards Ogwashi-uku, Isele-Uku, Umunede and to Agbor, where exceptional emissaries from Benin were at that point sitting tight for us.
Up and down the towns and towns in our course, school youngsters and different natives lined both sides of the street singing and forgoing at our transport. It was mind blowing. That day was announced an open occasion all through the state to respect us.
Sitting tight for us at the administration Guest House in Agbor was the then Obi of Agbor and his boss. They got us warmly and we delighted in more conventional moves while we ate.
We saw a caravan of around 20 open top military vehicles, very much embellished and sitting tight for our triumphant ride into the Oba's Square at the focal point of Benin City. One 18 wheel, low loader trailer was at the front of the escort. The trailer was all around enhanced and fitted with four seats to suit the male and female group skippers and the two male partner commanders (Edwin Tuoyo and William Emofurieta), who additionally conveyed trophies.
The Oba's square was completely filled and agog with festivity when we arrived. The who-will be who in Midwest were there from each niche and corner of the state.
The dignitaries in participation incorporated the Governor and every one of his chiefs, beat government authorities, the then Benin ruler, Oba Akenzua II and numerous customary rulers from different parts of the state. As our caravan crashed into the gathering field, the entire place detonated with cheers, melodies and praise until we as a whole landed from the vehicles. We were promptly orchestrated in a line confronting the dignitaries. They had been there sitting tight for over three hours before we arrived. The conventions continued rapidly and an exceptionally drafted 'Reference and Certificate of Honor' from the Governor and individuals of Midwest was perused to the commendation and endorsement of all present. From that point, every competitor was separately displayed to the representative to get his/her duplicate of the reference with a handshake.
That same night, after the gathering, the senator have